
Welcome to my prep maker! If you have never used one before it is simple just drag and drop! If some of the props don't show up right click and click show picture. I will updating this page regularly so keep checking back for new props. If you want to take some props keep in mind most of these aren't mine I would appreciate if you link back or take the link on the homepage. Also if you make a doll that you think is "fabulous" and you just have to show everyone then send it into me and ill show it. The easiest way is to paste your dolls into paint (you might have to build them again) then copy and paste them into your email and send it to me, you can find my email in contact me! Your doll(s) will be shown in 'your dolls'. This includes all dolls like Preps, Silents and Wonderkins. also if you want to make your own clothes and bodies you can get some blanks ones here (base bodies and clothing). If you take any props please link back or take my link on the homepage. I've been chatting long enough so have fun making dolls!































Mini Skirts and Shorts











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